CANmorph - Prestained Sperm Morphology Slides

CANmorph - Prestained Sperm Morphology Slides

Any alteration in sperm morphology like crooked head, double tail, double head etc. is considered as abnormal sperm, which is one of the causes of failure in fertilization. Therefore it is essential to evaluate sperm morphology before performing any ART procedure.


CANmorph consist of pre-stained slide use to determine morphology of Human Sperms. The slides are coated with the stain solution that helps the sperms to get stain. The method is very simple, quick and can perform on fresh, diluted, frozen-thaw or processed semen. It does not require high level of technical skill or precision. The stained sample is observe in bright field microscope under 100X Oil Immersion Lens.

The kit consists of:

  • Pre-stained slides

Advantages of the kit:

  • Easy to perform and interpret
  • Fast, Reliable and Reproducible results
  • Follow WHO and Kruger’s Strict morphology criteria development/ poor blastocyst development
  • Eliminates tedious procedure for smear preparation and staining of slide

kit consists of

The steps performed for procedures are briefly describe in the tutorial and the leaflet provided with the product.

Packing Size


A kit of 25 tests


A kit of 50 tests


If the count is more than 20 million/ml, it is recommended to dilute the sample with flushing media or PBS for better observation.

It is advisable to score maximum 200 sperms. The larger surface area of the CANmorph Slides provides more fields to score the maximum number of sperms for better morphological analysis.

For the samples having low count, centrifuge the whole semen sample with minimum flushing media/PBS at 1000 RPM for 5 minutes and then dissolve the pellet in minimal amount of media. Then place 20-30 µl of that sample over the pre-stained slide, cover with coverslip and observe.

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